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Join us on April 23rd at the Washington DC Convention Center from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. for the ATCA Annual Exhibitor’s Orientation. With this being the start of a multi-year event at the Convention Center/Marriott Marquis, this Exhibitor Orientation will prepare you for the upcoming ATCA Global Conference & Expo. You will be able to tour the Exhibit hall, the Marriott Marquis, and meet with the key Vendors to ask them questions. Exhibitors are encouraged to attend to gather all of the necessary details to be better informed, and better prepared to exhibit successfully. RSVP here .
The person listed as the Main Point of Contact will receive the Primary Exhibitor registration confirmation email, and the Exhibitor Connect login credentials.
The person listed as the Main Point of Contact will receive the Co-Exhibitor registration confirmation email, and the Co-Exhibitor Connect login credentials.
Services for the Co-Exhibitor must be booked by and will be charged to the PRIMARY Exhibitor. The PRIMARY Exhibitor is responsible for providing appropriate information about its Co-Exhibitor(s) within an appropriate timeframe with respect to the services available to be booked.
Every Co-Exhibitor that submits a Co-Exhibitor Contract will be listed in the official World ATM Congress Guide as well as in the online Exhibitor Marketing Zone as a self-standing entry.
Attendee Registration of Co-Exhibitors must be coordinated directly with the PRIMARY Exhibitor.
The PRIMARY Exhibitor shall ensure that all third parties permitted to use, either entirely or partially, the subleased exhibition space fully comply with the obligations stipulated in the Primary Exhibitor Contract. The Primary Exhibitor must inform any Co-Exhibitor(s) of the conditions of participation and technical guidelines and shall ensure that the Co-Exhibitor(s) are committed to respecting these conditions and guidelines.
This contact information is listed in the Exhibitor Connect virtual profile viewable on the Conference website, and in the Conference Guide (IF printed) as your Company contact information.
For contracting purposes, the contact listed below shall be liable for all charges. The Billing Contact’s address is listed as the Invoice Billing address so please ensure that the CORRECT billing/invoice address and email address is provided.
We try to consider your booth size and location preferences but cannot guarantee that they will be met. There is no entitlement to a particular booth space. The booking of booth size is binding for the Exhibitor and cancellation conditions will apply for subsequent booth size reductions.
***The Corporate Member Booth Fee ($65/sq. ft.) will be invoiced for your Booth Space. If your Corporate Membership is NOT RENEWED Prior to the start of ATCA Connect 2024, the Non-Member booth fee ($75/sq. ft.) will be invoiced, and the remaining difference will be due. ***
Rank (1-3) beginning with most important criteria for space assignment:
IMPORTANT NOTE: This Exhibitor Contract places the Exhibitor in the booth assignment process. Based on the information provided on this Online Exhibitor Contract, ATCA will place the Exhibitor’s booth in the Exhibit Hall using the placement priorities outlined in the Exhibitor Prospectus. After the booth assignment, the Exhibitor’s Main Contact will receive an email confirmation of their booth assignment in the Exhibit Hall. Payment Terms are Net 30 upon receipt of your exhibit booth assignment confirmation. This Exhibitor Contract will expire for non-payment by the due date, and any future booth assignment will occur on a first come first served basis.
Registration Fee is Non-Refundable Booth space rental fee refund schedule: 75 % refund with receipt of written cancellation by August 30, 2024 50% refund with receipt of written cancellation by September 13, 2024 25% refund with receipt of written cancellation by September 30, 2024 Submit cancellations via email to Submit space reduction requests via email to AND
No refunds approved for exhibit booth cancellations or exhibit booth space reduction received AFTER October 1, 2024. Submit cancellations via email to