An ISO 27001:2013 Certified Company


My World of Expo provide are one of the very few players who provide the Interactive Floorplan & Route planner in HTML 5. This means you do not limit your audience to use the Floorplan only on their computers and the Floorplan can be accessed through on all smart phones and tablets including the iPads & iPhone!

Route Planner

We have recently added the find your route feature which helps visitors to find their way around at the event using their smart phone without having to download an App. Visitors can easily search for a stand and see the shortest route from their computer, mobile or tablet.

Event Planner

Visitors can plan their day at the event by easily searching for exhibitors using the filters and adding them to their plan. They can also save their plan to come back to it later or share it with a friend or colleague.

Benefits At A

We customise the design, layout and functionality
of the Floorplan according
to the requirement.

  • A powerful visitor information tool with advanced search/filter
  • No need to view a separate exhibitor list on the website
  • Plan your event, save and come back later
  • Share your event plan with friends and colleagues
  • Print and take to show or email it to your smart phonePlan your route from one sand to another very easily using you smart phone or table

Benefits for the Organiser Sales & Operations Team

  • Control the show with up-to date real time view of the stand bookings
  • Revenue-generating sponsorship activities - ask us for more info
  • Easily integrated with your show website
  • Reduces organiser admin by allowing exhibitors to upload and maintain their company and product details
  • Improves and accelerates the sales process
  • The operatins team can maintain the floorplan using our Floorplan Maker
Benefits for the Organiser

Benefits for Exhibitors

  • Provides a clear picture of the exhibition showing the size of the stands
  • Allows product/service updates at any point in time.
  • Has functionality to give you details of visitors who have added you to their plan *pending Visitor opt-in for their details to be shared
  • Advanced search gives the exhibitors many opportunities to be easily found
Benefits for Exhibitor

Setting up the Interactive Floorplan

All we need from the Organiser is the site plan and the exhibitor list. Upon receiving these we will develop the Interactive Floorplan as per your show branding.

Maintaining the Interactive Floorplan

In order to keep the Interactive Floorplan up-to-date all we require is the latest Floor plan (in any format) with the list of exhibitors. Once we receive this we will update the Interactive Floorplan for you within hours.

However if you prefer to update the floorplan yourself, you can very easily log into the backoffice and make changes to the Floorplan very easily.

Contact us to find out more about the Interactive Floorplan & Event Planner.

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